Refund Policy

At Maji Online, we are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with every purchase. If you are not fully satisfied, you can return your item(s) for a refund or exchange under the following conditions:

Conditions for Returns

Return Process

  1. Contact Us: To start a return, please reach out to our customer service team at or +254 708 354702 with your order number and reason for return.
  2. Shipping: You are responsible for the cost of return shipping. We recommend using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance, as we cannot guarantee receipt of your returned item.



To exchange an item for the same product, please contact us at or +254 708 354702. We will guide you through the process of returning the original item and sending the replacement.

Damaged or Defective Items

If you receive a damaged or defective item, please contact us immediately at or +254 708 354702. We will arrange for a replacement or refund, including return shipping costs.

Contact Us

For any questions regarding our return policy, please reach out to us at or +254 708 354702.